Keep Cool Without Air Conditioning This Summer

When you think of keeping cool in summer, you’d be forgiven if your first thoughts turn to a power hungry air conditioner. Air conditioners and fans can keep you cool, but running them every day can be very costly, bad for the environment and can play havoc with asthma.

One great way to keep cool during the warmer months is to build a pergola. Pergolas can be easily constructed and when added to a north-facing wall they make a cool and refreshing place to sit. Add to that some vines and hanging baskets and not only are you left with a very attractive outdoor space, but the light will be filtered through the vines and the moisture from the hanging plants will cool the air naturally.

This moisture effect can be touched on further by installing a drip system. Using water lines attached to the roof framework can see a steady stream of drips throughout the day, keeping control on the surrounding air temperature.

According to Bayside Bulletin, there are many more ways in which you can naturally cool your home before switching on the air conditioner, including redirecting breezes with fences or shrubs, keeping blinds closed and wearing light coloured clothing.

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